Below is a selection of my oil paintings, some of which are available for sale.
Whilst I may sometimes use a reference photo or drawing for inspiration, most of the paintings are intuitive, and many connect to different archetypes and symbols that have been part of my healing and learning journey over the last few years.
All paintings are on board, 30x40cm (12x16"), painted with water-based oils, unframed. Price includes UK postage. Those that are marked 'not available' are either sold, gifted or are currently on display at The Sand & Sound Centre - some of the latter may eventually become available. Please note I do not generally do commissions.
I am enormously grateful to my art teacher Laurance Worral (Lol) for his encouragement, patience and his very special ability of breaking down the mysterious process of painting into simple steps - I can highly recommend Lol's painting classes in Oldham and Hadfield, you can contact him via his Facebook page or phone 0161 284 2187
Lagoon & Cosmos - painted as a vision of my Sand & Sound Centre, a month before it came into being
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Inspired by the 'Burdens' category of Metaphors of Movement model
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You can read the short story about the Lamp Post and the Moon here
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You can watch the bedtime story inspired by this painting here
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Inspired by Pesso Boyden therapy and the concept of "ideal parents"
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You can read about the symbolism of Fire in my blog article here
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Based on the photo by Bryan Nowak (used with permission)
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Inspired by the Tower card from a traditional Tarot deck
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Inspired by Pesso Boyden Therapy and the concept of "ideal mother"
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Inspired by several presentations on different sandplay symbols by my colleagues
You can watch the bedtime story inspired by this painting here
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Inspired by a poem 'The Sable Black Rabbit' which you can read at the bottom of this page
Based on the Kerid Crater Lake in Iceland (please note the actual lake does not have a 'pupil')
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Painted following the death of my good friend Mark
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Painted for Tara Centre in Lancaster, a sanctuary of kindness and compassion
Painted just before the first lockdown of 2020 in the UK
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Based on digital art by Justin Main (used with permission)
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Inspired by my poem 'Solitude' - you can read it at the bottom of this page
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Based on digital art by Justin Main (used with permission)
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Inspired by a vision I had in 2018
The Sable Black Rabbit
Leaping the Universe
Soft as Softness itself
Fierce as the awesomest Fierceness
Hopping from black hole to galaxy
Through the Saturn rings
Through the gaps in the atoms
And back to black hole again
It is in the Universe, not of it
Humming to the dance of the stars
Weaving golden threads in the cracks between parallel worlds
Splashing in the meteor shower
Playing with the marbles of the Solar System
Munching on the Milky Way
like the most delicious carrot
My Sable Black Rabbit
[This poem was inspired by a spontaneous visualisation as part of my personal work]
Salt… Solution… Solenoid… Solid… Salubrious…
Any word beginning with the sound ‘sol’ but that one
Solzhenitsyn… Solomon... Solstice... Soliloquy….
I am running out of ‘sol’ words
I must now turn towards the one I’ve been silencing
The solo etude of my life
The music of it
The aloneness of it
And the slow, solemn dance of it
This game of solitaire hardly offers salvation
The salty, solidifying crystals where once was my heart
The mind is insolvent
The spirit is slovenly
The body soliciting touch
But someone is shouting, ‘Sorry, it’s all sold out!’
And the soul.. the soul is just about consolable
Longing for solitude.. fearing solitude..
Doing the work that the soul does best
In the soft and familiar arms
Of solitude..
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